Friday, April 15, 2011

Ken Cruz Cambodia Missionary presentation

CCUMC heard the first-hand missionary experiences of Ken Cruz, who is currently serving in Cambodia as part of the United Methodist General Board of Global Minstries.  Ken’s expertise is in Community Development, and he describes his servant-leadership role as “meeting the needs of people as they work in accomplishing their jobs.”  His work is part of CHAD: Commmunity Health and Agricultural Development.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Disaster Outreach Fundraiser

In two short hours, we not only were able to share God’s love and hope with the Oakland Chinatown community, but we also raised almost $2,100 for brothers and sisters experiencing disasters in the world. We give thanks to God for this and for using us to move others.


English Ministry News and Notes

*Great thanks to all those who participated in yesterday’s (Saturday) efforts to "Respond to Disaster with Love & Prayer." We had a wonderful team of folks providing inspirational music reminding us of God’s great love and compassion as well as a team inviting the Chinatown community to give financially and in prayer. We also had a great crew of behind the scenes folk, especially Ben Wong, who ensured we pulled the day off technically. Special thanks to Burt and
Yvonne who visioned this effort of invitation and witness.

*GBGM Missionary to Cambodia at CCUMC, April 15th – Church family and friends are invited to hear the first-hand missionary experiences of Ken Cruz, who is currently serving in Cambodia as part of the United Methodist General Board of Global Minstries.  Ken’s expertise is in Community Development, and he describes his servant-leadership role as “meeting the needs of people as they work in accomplishing their jobs.”  His work is part of CHAD: Commmunity Health and Agricultural Development.

We will begin with a light supper at 6:00 PM in the educational annex, and then hear Ken’s stories through pictures and sharing.  Plan on an enlightening evening.  There is no cost for attending, but a Love Offering will be taken to support the Conference Missionary Itineration Fund. Please sign up at church or let Pastor Emily know if you will attend.

Also, a host is needed to house Ken for one night (4/15) immediately following the event, so please let Pastor Emiloy know if you’d like to share hospitality in this way.

*EM Congregational Meeting – The community is warmly invited to gather for a 45 minute conversation following worship on Palm Sunday, April 17th. This time will precede SOUP II. This will be an important time to hear about the ministry goals and plans for 3 ministry areas: Congregational Nurture & Development, Invitation & Witness, as well as Missions. Your presence is much needed and appreciated!

Holy Week Invitations

Next Sunday, Apr. 17th, we will celebrate Palm Sunday. As you might know, on this particular day we remember the story of Jesus, riding a donkey, and making his way from the Mount of Olives into the city of Jerusalem. All along the way, crowds gathered, spreading tree branches and their cloaks on the road and shouting, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” This is the spirit in which we enter Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter.

It would be easy to go from the joyful “Hosannas!” of Palm Sunday to the even more celebratory “Alleluias!” of Easter, from waving our palm branches to lifting our lilies. Were we to do so, however, we would be missing something significant.  The very wonder, amazement, and blessing of Easter’s miracle comes from having entered the darkness and loss of Jesus’ suffering and death.  I hope that you will make time and space, therefore, to mark Good Friday in some way.

This year, you will have two opportunities to mark Good Friday in the community. At 2:00 p.m. on Apr. 22nd, you are invited to attend a special service at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour on Harrison. This will be a trilingual service utilizing Mandarin, Cantonese and English. This is a meaningful opportunity to gather with our neighborhood churches. In the evening, at 7:30 p.m., we will hold a service here at CCUMC in English. Our doors will be open to members of the neighborhood churches and any others wishing to mark this moment.

Finally, Easter morning will be bursting with joy as we gather at 7:30 a.m. for a simple Sunrise Service in the courtyard. It is the tradition to follow this time by enjoying pancakes and sausages at the Wa Sung Pancake Breakfast in Lincoln Square. Our young people will be facilitating a special program at 9:30 a.m. during Intergenerational Sunday School in the Annex. This will be followed by our Worship Celebration at 11:00 a.m. We very much look forward to celebrating the Resurrection and welcoming new followers of Jesus as a community on this day.

Please remember that you are invited to contribute towards Easter lilies to fill the sanctuary with Easter glory. You can do so by connecting with Helena or Pastor Emily.

Lenten Peace & Grace,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Fellowship Night

CCUMC’s 3 small groups hosted an open-to-all fellowship dinner at the church building.  Besides regular small group members, several new people showed up.  The evening was a fun time of conversation and getting to know each other a little more.

The 3 small groups convene in Castro Valley (Tuesdays), Union City (Wednesdays), and Oakland (Thursdays).  See the CCUMC church calendar for the full details.

Pacific Emergency

The United Methodist Committee On Relief (UMCOR) is a worldwide organization that provides (among many services) emergency response to such disasters as the earthquake in Japan that struck on March 10, 2011.

UMCOR is often the first on the scene – far ahead of governmental aid.  The following is from their website:

UMCOR is connecting with our partners to assess the damage resulting from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We are holding all affected in prayer. To support UMCOR’s response to emergencies like this please give to Pacific Emergency, UMCOR Advance #3021317.

To donate online, click here.

“In response to the Earthquake on March 10, 2011 that struck Japan, The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) will be working with local communities to rebuild. UMCOR is now better able to help when earthquakes and tsunamis or other disasters hit the area. UMCOR works in shelter and infrastructure reconstruction, water and sanitation, income generation, health and nutrition, education and community development.”