Sunday, June 25, 2017

2017-6-25 English Ministry News and Notes

*Today is Shepherding Sunday!  Great thanks to the thoughtful planning of our amazing team of shepherds: Brenda, Donna, Ed, and Jane, and for their ongoing ministry of care.

*Summer Intergenerational Sunday School Series starts next Sunday: Let's Explore the Holy Land!  You're invited to come and get to know the Holy Land through the stories and experiences of children.  The series begins on July 2nd and will start promptly at 9:30 a.m. in the Annex. You are invited!

*We Have a New Pastor Onboard: This summer we invited Deacon Cheryl Garlick to support our summer Adventures in Faith program.  She currently serves as the Pastor to Families and Children at Christian Layman Church in Oakland.  We give great thanks to God's provision in Pastor Cheryl. To learn more about her, please visit:

*Please Note: Pastor Emily will be on vacation June 26th - July 4th and return to church on July 6th.  She is available via phone or email during this time.

*Save the Date: Please mark Sunday, Aug. 6th in your calendar for a very important English Ministry Town Hall following worship.  The English Ministry Council (EMC) will be sharing some observations about where we are at as a congregation and inviting responses and input.  Your presence is vital - this cannot be emphasized enough!  Thank you!

Sunday, June 18, 2017

2017-6-18 Worship Videos

Chinese Choir

Chinese Sermon

English Sermon

2017-6-18 English Ministry News and Notes

*Great Thanks to all who pitched in last Sunday and enabled a celebratory Family Day Party.  Over 50 children and parents attended!

*Happy Father's Day to all who are fathers and to all who have fathered, coached, and mentored others.  We give thanks for your presence, care, and faithfulness.

*Annual Conference Special Giving Sunday - The Annual Conference Offering this year is designated for Africa University located in Zimbabwe as it celebrates its 25th year. This is a highly regarded university founded by the UMC serving all of Africa to raise up faithful, skilled leaders. Thanks for your generosity!

*Cal-Nev. Annual Conference, June 21st - 24th, Burlingame - We have two elected delegates this year: Burt and Becky, and one alternative: Richard (Only Burt will be attending.)  Pastor Meina will be commissioned during the Service of Ordination and Commissioning on Friday, the 23rd, at 7:30 p.m.  We will be organizing carpools for those interested in attending.

*Celebrate Shepherding Sunday, June 25th - We'll gather to celebrate the ministry of loving, caring, and supporting one another as community.  Please plan to stay for a fellowship meal and conversation following worship!

*Summer Intergenerational Sunday School Series: Let's Explore the Holy Land!  You're invited to come and get to know the Holy Land through the stories and experiences of children.  The series begins on July 2nd and will start promptly at 9:30 a.m. in the Annex. 

Sunday, June 11, 2017

2017-6-11 Worship Videos

Chinese Choir

Chinese Sermon

2017-6-11 English Ministry News and Notes

*Pitch In - Following worship today, we'll begin prepping for our Family Day Party that begins at noon.  Your presence enables us to welcome our Homework Club families and students, provide them with a fellowship meal, and engage them in fun and meaningful team work games.  Thank you!

*Annual Conference Special Offering, Next Sunday, June 18th - The 2017 Annual Conference Session offering will benefit Africa University as the school celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. Your generosity invests in young people to create a better future for Africa.  Thank you! You can learn more about their wonderful work at

*Cal-Nev. Annual Conference, June 21st - 24th, Burlingame - Our annual Annual Conference session is just around the corner.  We have two elected delegates this year: Burt and Becky, and one alternative: Richard (Only Burt will be attending.)  Additionally, Pastor Meina will be commissioned during the Service of Ordination and Commissioning on Friday, the 23rd, at 7:30 p.m.  We will be organizing carpools for those interested in attending.

*Summer Homework Club Begins - our summer program begins Monday, June 12th.  Please hold this vital ministry, its staff and students in God's light.  We give thanks for the hiring of Deacon Cheryl Garlick who will be working with the summer Adventures in Faith Program.  Volunteers are invited!  Please connect with P. Emily for more info.

*Shepherding Sunday, June 25th - Save the date to celebrate and learn more about our shepherding ministry, the ministry committed to developing spiritual relationships, extending care, and supporting accountability here at CCUMC!  Please plan to stay for lunch and fellowship too.

The Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Jason Sansbury

Celebrating the Holy Spirit at Pentecost 
Pentecost is celebrated by Christians globally because we want to remember Jesus’ promise that the Holy Spirit would come and work in the world. We also celebrate Pentecost because we want to remember that the Holy Spirit is at work in us as followers of Jesus. 
In today’s world, anxiety charts at record levels in younger students. A 2000 American Psychological Association study states that the average teen has higher levels of anxiety today than did psychiatric patients in the 1950’s; the levels of stress exhibited by teenagers continues to rise. The Holy Spirit at work in the world and within us is a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and the intimacy we can share with God as followers of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit at Work in the World
Sometimes we fail to notice the Holy Spirit faithfully at work in our lives and the world. Pentecost creates a natural pause in our liturgical rhythm and reminds us that the Holy Spirit is present and at work all around us. Part of the Christian tradition is to examine the world and identify the places we see the Holy Spirit at work, along with the people the Holy Spirit is using to do the work. That dedicated practice reminds us and helps us to understand that while the world may make us anxious, we have hope because God’s Spirit is at work and that hope helps us build spiritual endurance and keeps us moving forward in faith.
The Holy Spirit at Work in Us 
Similarly, we need to remember that the Holy Spirit is working in our individual lives. Sometimes it is difficult for us to recognize in ourselves what others around us see—the fruit of the Spirit. The result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our personal lives is often hidden from us. Pentecost is a reminder to take a break, examine our lives, and notice where the Spirit is teaching, guiding, encouraging, and convicting us. 
Question of the Day: Who is someone whose life you’ve seen changed by God?
Focal Scriptures: Acts 2:1-13, 37-47; 1 Corinthians 12–13