*Great thanks to our amazing carpet replacement work crew!
Much appreciation to each and every person who helped to pack up and move our
offices and the soundboard back and forth as well as paint our offices - Steve,
Vince, Richard, Mel, Donna, Adrienne, Ben, Michael, Burt. Special thanks to Al
for his coordination, organizing and supervision!
*Another Adventures in Faith Opportunity - We will be sharing
the wonderful story of Jonah with the Homework Club on Wednesday, Feb. 29th. We
call for all hands on deck to plan our monthly chapel, Friday, Feb. 17th at
12:30 p.m. Please connect with Pastor Emily, Donna, Richard, Adrienne, Peggy,
or Becky with questions or to participate!
*Welcoming New Ushers / Greeters - At our recent training,
Ben reminded us that welcoming and hospitality is an "all play"
practice. In other words, it's something we are ALL called to do, ALL the time!
Special thanks to those who have committed to being a part of the U/G ministry
this coming year and for those who have served faithfully in years past. Let us
- like Jesus - reach out our hands and welcome one another to the love of God!
*Marking Lent - Our theme for this season is, "The
Practice of Encountering Others: Building Community through Covenant,
Commitment, and Companionship." We will be exploring how God builds
relationships with us and practicing how we might build relationships with each
other. You are invited to fully enter this season and theme by:
1. Attending Ash Wednesday Worship, Feb. 22nd at 7:30 p.m.
2. Reading "Altars in the World" by Barbara Brown
Taylor and participating in adult Sunday School, each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
3. Participating in weekly worship
4. Being a part of S.O.U.P each week, following worship
*Celebrating 125 Years! CCUMC is marking its 125th year in
ministry and mission in 2012. We'd like to get planning underway. If you are
interested in helping to organize our celebrations, please connect with Pastor