Sunday, July 8, 2012
English Ministry News and Notes for 7-08-12
*Adventures in Faith on Promise Island Completed Its First Week! - We had a fantastic first week exploring God's promise to always be with us. Our crews learned the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, a beautiful verse from Isaiah 41:10, played games and made crafts. Will you continue to hold this ministry and everyone in it in prayer?
*Wednesday Community Dinners (WCD) Begin This Week! - Everyone is invited and urged to participate in WCD's, a time to come together for devotions, prayer and holy conversation about missions. WCD's begin July 11th and continue for 5 weeks. We will begin with a simple potluck at 6:30 p.m. (bring a side or main dish to share) and wrap up our time by 8:15 p.m. Please connect with members of the Missions Ministry Team (Steve, Becky, Donna, Burt, Jane, Aeri, Ben) for more info.
*LMUMC Food Pantry Ministry Day - Is around the corner on Saturday, July 14th. You're invited to sign up to serve.
*Please remember Aeri and Ben today as they lead worship and share the story of YCVM at New Vision UMC in Millbrae. Next Sunday, they head to The Crossing (Valene & Dustin's church.)
*Pastor Emily will be out of the office on Thursday and Friday this week (July 12th and 13th). Please call her cell phone in case of pastoral emergency.
*GBGM Missionaries to Speak at CCUMC - We welcome Revs. Grace and Jae Choi on Sunday, July 29th. Revs. Choi are UMC missionaries from Korea to the Philippines. We are eager to hear about how God is working with and through them and how we can continue to celebrate our call to missions.
*Mark Your Calendars Now:
-Aug. 12th - Usher & Greeter Gathering & Training
-Aug. 19th - Worship Training for Liturgist/Welcomers & Prayer Leaders.
-Aug. 25th & 26th - CCUMC Street Fest Children’s Outreach