Sunday, September 16, 2012

English Ministry News and Notes 09-16-12

*Great thanks to Al & Vince for giving our courtyard fountain a minimakeover. The two poured a new layer of concrete into the fountain. After it dries and sealed, we will once again enjoy the splashing of water in our beautiful courtyard.

*Ministry Need: Our beloved Jane Yin will be stepping away from teaching and coordinating the children and youth Sunday School ministry this year. She has graciously agreed to do both through September. Beginning in October, the ministry has no adult leadership. Will we choose to discontinue the ministry? How is God leading us to grow and care for our children and youth? Please be in prayer and connect with Jane or Pastor Emily with any questions or to volunteer.

*All Church Picnic, Sept. 30th, 2012 - A beautiful space has been reserved, a menu planned, and the rest is coming together! Won't you sign up today? You are encouraged to reach out to friends, neighbors, and family who are seeking meaningful community to join in. All are welcome.

*Prayer Request:
1. For David Odi, son of Rev. Martin Odi (Former YCVM Board Chair) - he was involved in a serious accident in India where he was studying. He has sustained head injuries and is currently hospitalized.
2. Silver Omakenyi (YCVM Founder and Staff) - his uncle passed away recently.
3. Suzanne Lee & Family - Darlene Lee, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and Oakland Chinatown community advocate passed away on Sept. 6th.