*We've Begun! "UMC 101" Kicked Off Today - Derek Lang and Burt Yin are leading an exciting, informative, enriching six-week series exploring who we are as United Methodist Christians, our history, our core beliefs, and our unique way of practicing faith in community. You are encouraged to be a part of this learning opportunity. We gather in the Annex at 9:30 a.m. sharp!
*LMUMC Food Pantry Ministry Work Day, Apr. 13th - Here's a great opportunity to "live the resurrection" by loving and serving our neighbors. You are invited to participate any 2nd Saturday, from 10:00 - 1:00 p.m. Please sign up on the sheet located in the bulletin board of the Social Hall.
*Prayer Invitation -
-For our eyes and hearts to be opened to the lonely and vulnerable among us.
-The Board of Ordained Ministry (BOOM) meets this upcoming Thursday and Friday. During this meeting, Pastor Emily's recommendation towards ordination will be voted on. You are invited to remember her and BOOM in God's light.
*Children's Easter Party! We will be hosting a fun-filled Easter party on Sunday, April 14th, at 2:00 p.m. You are most welcome to bring friends and family to celebrate. You can also sign up to pitch in. There are several ways to do so. Please check out the sign up board going around.