*Our very own Derek Lang has been appointed by Bishop Brown to serve Sacramento Chinese UMC starting July 1st. We will celebrate Pastor Derek's faithful service amongst us today. His last Sunday here will be next week, June 30th. Please hold Pastor Derek and SCUMC in prayer.
*Showing at CCUMC Theater, "Just a Piece of Cloth" - You're invited to a special showing of a 34 minute documentar in which Bay Area women share their stories about wearing - or not - the hijab (headscarf). Saturday, June 29th at 4:00 p.m.
*Adventure in Faith (AiF) Prep. Days - Calling all aunties and uncles...we will hold 3 preparation days for this summer's AiF program. Our time together will provide an overview of our theme and weekly Bible story as well as give us time to get set up in our rooms, etc. Whether you'll be pitching in regularly or as a sub, you're invited to be a part of the preparation. Prep. days are: June 25th, 27th, and July 2nd, from 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. Please connect with Donna to rspv.
*Please note: Pastor Emily will be out of the office Monday and Tuesday of the upcoming week.
*Wednesday Fellowship: NonViolent Communication Series - You are invited to be a part of the 6 week series to practice and grow in authentic and loving communication skills beginning July 10th. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. followed by intentional conversation and practice. To rsvp, please connect with Charlie.