English Ministry News and Notes 6-29-2014
- Sundays, June 29 and July 6, 9:30-10:30 AM, annex social hall. The VIM Team will be doing a 2-part sharing about the recent mission trip to Kumi, Uganda. 8 People from CCUMC had an inspiring journey, which they will share in a slideshow/video presentation, giving personal accounts and inviting questions. Don't miss it!
- AIF (Adventures in Faith) Treats Needed! Adventures in Faith is preparing for another action-packed summer for the Homework Club children! On Tuesdays and Thursdays for 5 weeks beginning on July 8th, the 60+ children will gather in the sanctuary to learn more about God using the Vacation Bible School theme of "Weird Animals". We would love to have donations of snack foods! We will need enough snacks for 70 people / 10 sessions. Some suggestions are: Granola bars, Fruit Snacks, Cheese and Crackers, Animal Crackers, Popcorn, Fresh fruit, Cereal Mix, Pretzels, Rice Crackers, Baby carrots, and anything healthy! PLEASE NO NUTS (due to allergies in some children). Please bring your offerings to the kitchen and label is "For AIF".
- Sunday July 13th, there will be parallel worship of both EM and CM congregations at 9:30 AM. Following worship, you are invited to a luncheon to welcome our new Pastor, Brenda Walker, who begins serving at CCUMC July 1, 2014. Come meet and greet her, as we look forward to a time of blessing, fellowship, and excitement in the coming year.
- Preparations for July 13th: Please connect with Arlene Lang or Brenda Wong if you wish to bring a salad to go with the food that is being ordered for Welcome Luncheon for Pastor Brenda.
- Please sign up on our Hospitality Chart that is now posted in our annex! Find all worship server updates on: http://chinesecommunityumc.blogspot.com