On Sunday, December 14 the 11:00 EM Worship will feature a Children’s Christmas Play. In the next two weeks, children who attend the Homework Club will learn about the story of the birth of Jesus through music and drama. You are encouraged to attend this special worship where the children will sing Christmas carols and act out the parts of the Christmas story from the Bible.
There are several ways that you can help make this a meaningful experience for the children and the families who will be invited to worship with us.
1. Serve as an assistant during one of our rehearsals. We plan to rehearse on Dec. 10 and 11 at 2:00.
2. Play the piano during one of our rehearsals.
3. Help with costuming.
4. Help with hospitality. We are inviting families to stay after worship for simple, light refreshments.
5. Plan to attend the service and be a welcoming presence for our guests.
If you would like to help with this special worship, please connect with Pastor Brenda
"Good Christian Friends, Rejoice! with heart and soul and voice...." All are invited to join in on Christmas Caroling on Monday, Dec. 22nd, starting from church at 1:00 P.M. We will be bringing the good news through song to homebound seniors and others. If you have suggestions for someone who would like a visit, please inform Charlie or Becky, so they can work on the schedule. Drivers will also be needed for the afternoon. This is an intergenerational event, and children are especially welcome, as they are sure to bring smiles to everyone. If you have an instrument (bells, horns, ukuleles, etc.) please bring them! We will end with a super soup supper, place TBD. Plan to come and bring a friend!
Christmas Poinsettias! An annual CCUMC tradition is decorating the sanctuary with poinsettias for Christmas Sunday and Christmas eve. If you would like to order a poinsettia ($10.00 each), please connect with Laura or Helena (the plants can be taken home on Sunday, December 28th). Today is the last day to place your order!