- We warmly welcome Rev. Deborah Lee as our preacher this morning. Rev. Lee is the Director of the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity which works to achieve an equitable, inclusive and healthy society, culture, and economy where all people have equal opportunities and access to the resources and tools needed to achieve a higher quality of life.
- Save the Date! Our 2015 annual Uganda Benefit Dinner to support Kumi Christian Visionary School will be held on October 16th! All proceeds go towards keeping the school running for another year.
- Witnessing for Jesus ANEW! Get on board with what's astir in discipleship and leadership in the Cal-Nevada Conference by attending DiscipleShift. This is an innovative lab-oriented conference to help us navigate ministry in the 21st Century. It will be held at UOP in Stockton on Saturday, Aug.8th, from 8:30-4:00. If 5 or more people attend, the group rate will be $99 per person. CCUMC will reimburse $50 which makes the cost an affordable $49 including light breakfast and lunch. See Becky to sign up by July 26th.. Carpools to be arranged. This is an opportunity to learn from and collaborate with our conference to get our church to become a more vital congregation. .Details at http://www.discipleshift.com Registration is through Eventbrite at Http://discipleshiftconference.com