Sunday, August 13, 2017

2017-8-13 English Ministry News and Notes

*Adventures in Faith (AiF) Sunday, Aug. 20th – We will lift up and celebrate the AiF ministry on this day with special music and faith sharings.  We give enormous thanks for the heart and commitment shared through the summer.  Another wonderful 9 weeks of the Homework Club summer session comes to a close this Friday, the 11th.

*The HomeWork Club will be starting a new school year soon!  Write a blessing for a HomeWork Club student!  Red Hearts will be passed out during service and you can place your blessing in the offering plate or give to Donna.

*Street Fest Outreach Sunday, Aug. 27th - Joint worship will begin at 9:30 a.m. followed by a time of preparation and organizing for opening wide our doors to the children in the Homework Club and community.  This is an all hands on deck ministry opportunity.  Please sign up to pitch in today.

*Everything Kumi Benefit Dinner -Connect with Jane to purchase your tickets or to buy a!

*Silent Auction Items for our Annual Kumi Benfit Dinner  are needed!  Please connect with Peggy Woon if you have new, desirable goods to donate, or if you would like to donate gift cards or services.