Sunday, February 16, 2014

English Ministry News and Notes 2-15-14

*Great Thanks to the many hands and many hearts who pitched in at last night's, "Let the Love Continue" Fundraiser. We give thanks for your generosity and the opportunity to send 3 young folks to Uganda. If you didn't get a chance to browse the Reclaimed Treasure market last have one last opportunity to do so after worship!

*LMUMC Food Pantry Volunteers - You are warmly invited to gather upstairs in the multipurpose room (large room in the Annex) at 12:45 p.m. today for a time of updates, reflections, and discernment.

*Sharing Prayers - Can you believe it? Kumi Christian Visionary School's (KCVS) enrollment hit 100 this last week! Let us praise God together and continue to lift KCVS, the new staff and students, up in God's light.

*Looking Ahead: Please mark your calendars now to begin the new Lenten Season together on Ash Wednesday, Mar. 5th. We will hold this special service at 7:00 p.m.