*Great thanks to all those who pitched in and spruced up our buildings on Saturday!
*Celebrating the Lunar New Year - Worship will be followed by a fellowship potluck today. You are warmly invited to join in. Please do listen for instructions to help with set up immediately following worship.
*LMUMC Food Pantry: You are invited to pitch in and serve our neighbors next Saturday, Feb. 8th. Please connect with Jane for more info. You are also invited to come and learn more about the challenges, opportunities and possibilities of this vital ministry in our community Food Pantry Ministry Review and Evaluation Meeting. At this meeting we will review the food pantry ministry and discern about how God is directing us in relationship with this ministry. If you are a participant in this ministry or if you are interested in knowing more about it, please join us on Sunday, February 16 at 12:30PM in the Educational Annex.
*Will You "Let the Love Continue"? - A fun and delicious evening is planned for Feb. 15th to raise funds in support of students going to Uganda (Michelle, Jeffrey, Jacinto). RSVP today with Michelle.and invite friends!