Friday, February 18, 2011

The Heart of Christianity

by Charlie Ho


On October 31, 2010, the adult Sunday school class started an introspective faith journey, using the book by Marcus Borg - The Heart of Christianity or THOC for short.

Since that Sunday, we’ve chatted with one another – about the ways of our heart.   Guided expertly by Pastor Emily, we’ve explored theological questions that probably should be asked and answered by oneself.  But beyond the questions, Pastor Emily stimulated our minds with new clipart images each session; reviewed/summarized key and deep points; played audio and video clips of Marcus Borg speaking directly on a specific topic; and gathered us in Christian community to be challenged, taught, and inspired.

What is faith?  What is “real” and “true”?  What’s the difference between “beliefs” and “practices”?  How do we “see” God?  Do we need to be born again?  Is the Kingdom of God the same as Heaven?  What is sin and salvation? What is Christian tradition?

Throughout the eleven sessions thus far, we’ve heard wisdom from the young; fresh thoughts from the old; and some really interesting comments from the “in-between-ers”.  We learned new definitions and ideas and even some Latin (most of which I’ve quickly forgotten).  Who, but the gifted among us, would remember words like Assensus, Fiducia, Fidelitas, or Visio?   Luckily, Pastor Emily distributed notes and “cheat sheets”.  (By the way, all those foreign words above are different words that flesh out “faith”.)

Borg also showed us a different “lens” we can use to read and interpret the Bible - what, for example, do the Gospel authors mean to tell us when they wrote it?  By acquiring an awareness of the historical thinking about the possible metaphorical meanings, and meditating on the sacramental nature, the Bible may become even more meaningful than through a literal approach.

Being a Christian is being transformed by a loving God.  The Kingdom of God is part of the deal as we learn to love what Jesus loves. Maybe it is as simple as that.  But then again, we haven’t finished the book yet.  There are still four more sessions.

So far, the class has motivated me to come to church early.    Sunday school is really fun.   Either this old guy is regressing, or maybe the entire adult Sunday School class is … – could it really be that we are all being “born again”?

Join us at 9:30am in the Annex for the next few Sundays and find out!  A seat
will be saved for you.