Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Can God's Love Do?

By Derek Lang

The mission of the United Methodist Church is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” I have often pondered about how God can transform a person’s life. In our Small Group Ministry, we have been practicing the discipline of sharing what God has been doing in our lives. For the next seven weeks, I have invited some of our congregation members to take the next step by answering the following question: "What is one thing in the life of a specific person you know (you can keep the person anonymous) or the lives of a local group of people that you wish could be changed by that person or group experiencing the love of God or having faith in God? If possible, please share a scripture verse or faith example that you feel inspired/influenced/challenged by as you think about this possible change." I pray that as we envision how wondrous it is to have God in our lives that we will be emboldened to share God with others because God can be that wonderful in their lives too. [We still have some weeks available, so please let me know if you too would like to share your story in the Messenger.]


A young woman visited our church one Sunday. I had a strange sense about her. On one hand, she was very private about her own life; but on the other, she wanted to be part of something. She lingered for a long time after service, wanting maybe to do something with someone. I spent more time with her later in the week. She seemed afraid to let people be close to her. She asked a friend of mine about the availability of a job, but was very circumspect about that fact that she was looking. She had expectations that people should do certain things before she would reciprocate. She had been through some tough things in her life. She did not seem to have anyone close to rely on. Her view of life hit me when she shared a traumatic experience in which she cried to me, “No one should ever have to go through that!” The thing I wish could be changed in her life is for her to have the sense of safety and security that comes with experiencing a relationship with Jesus.

Psalm 94:22 says, “But the LORD is my defense; and my God is the rock of my refuge.” In fact, the book of Psalms is full of verses about the Lord protecting His sheep. When I moved out of my parents’ house, I remember vividly a sense of guilt in feeling like if I lost my job I could always come home and my parents would take care of me. That sense of security was a foundation from which I have felt free to take many risks and try to achieve many things. I know that my parents cannot do everything. In fact, it hit me a few weeks ago when my mother was sharing in Sunday School about how they were challenged financially with a new business and my father’s health. I recall those days, but they never let on how serious things were as I went about my own life. Listening to her story, I realized how that is so much like God looking after us. God has so many worries and problems to deal with, yet God insulates us so that we do not have to worry about all those things too. I am grateful for the sense that God will take care of me. I know that bad things happen, but I have always had a sense of peace that God will be there. I pray that this young woman, and so many others like her, can experience God’s love so that she is not alone and she can feel safe.