Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keeping Lent

Here are some ways you are invited to “keep” Lent:

  • Participate in the Lenten Book Study -  The adult Sunday School class is digging into select chapters of the book, “Altars in the World: A Geography of Faith” by Barbara Brown Taylor.  The book explores how we might encounter and experience God in the midst of our daily life.  Taylor is a wonderfully gifted writer and story-teller!  Sunday School meets each Sunday in the Annex at 9:30 a.m.
  • Worship each Sunday - Each Sunday, we’ll open up to the transforming power of relationships - with God, with one another, and with the world.
  • Make Lenten Commitments - We’ve all heard about people giving up chocolate for Lent, but what about giving up something that might really draw you closer to the heart of God?  Lenten commitments enable you to name your desires to turn back towards God and act on those desires.  Look for the cards in the foyer or at SOUP..
  • Enjoy S.O.U.P -  Sundays of Uniting Prayer invites us into a time of slowing down and quiet so that we can hear ourselves, each other, and the Holy Spirit...all over a steaming bowl of delicious homemade soup.  In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to walk with others as you hold to your Lenten Commitments. Soup makers are still needed - starting next week.  Can you pitch in?  Please sign up on the board in the social hall.
  • Observe Holy Week - This year, we’ll hold both a Maundy Thursday (Apr. 5) and Good Friday (Apr. 6) Service.  These special services deepen the wonder and celebration of Easter and Resurrection!