Sunday, April 15, 2012

He is not here; he has Risen!

By Derek Lang

Easter is at the heart of Christianity. The death of Jesus Christ for our sins and His resurrection for our salvation is the Good News of our faith. What will you remember about this Easter?
I had some memorable moments, such as listening to the Disciple Peter’s reflections on the Easter Story at Abundant Life Church on Maundy Thursday; people watching us in wonder as we stood outside our church moon-gate with candles and singing at Good Friday evening service; and flipping pancakes as the Chinatown community gathered to celebrate an Easter Pancake Breakfast. But there is one more.
Last night during small group, Aeri pointed out that in contrast to the angel’s direction to go and tell the good news about Jesus, Mark 16:8 says the women who visited the empty tomb were afraid and told no one. It was not until everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit on Pentecost that they had the courage and passion to spread the Good News. And so I thought about George and the bowling game at our Children’s Easter Party on Apr. 1st.
There was some skepticism about whether we should even have the game. Perhaps it was an uncertainty about how it would be played. Maybe it was unclear what bowling had to do with Easter. Or maybe it was a symbolic sacrilege of trying to knock down a chocolate cross. When we called for volunteers to lead that activity, George ended up being the only one to step forward.
Then a miracle happened. You could tell that something was different by all the shouts from the classroom where the game was set up. Children filled the entrance, clamoring to get a spot to play. There were cheers, and jubilant youth walked away with prized chocolate crosses. George was in the middle of it all, barking out like a carnival showman. He challenged them, and egged them into a frenzy of excitement. I am not sure who had more fun – him or them. He was filled with the spirit, and it was contagious. And I thought, "That is what Easter is all about."
Jesus is risen from the dead, and there is excitement and joy to be shared when we too are filled with the Holy Spirit.