Sunday, August 19, 2012

English Ministry News and Notes 08-19-12

*We Welcome New Dimension Chorus to CCUMC! The New Dimension Chorus is a men's acapella group committed to fun and truly enjoying four-part harmony. They are one of 800 organized chapters in the Barbershop Harmony Society, the world's largest all-male singing organization. We give thanks and celebrate their contribution to worship this morning!

*Welcomers/Liturgist Training Today! You are invited to gather for a minitraining following worship today with Aeri.

*All Hands on Deck for 2012 Street Fest Children's Outreach! 
Aug. 25th, Saturday, 10:00 - 1:00 p.m. Prep. Day - Please come and help get crafts and games ready. Your participation will make a difference!
Aug. 26th, Sunday - Our day will begin with a simple praise and prayer service at 9:30 a.m., followed by set up and volunteer training at 10:15 a.m. Our doors open to children at 11:30 a.m. Please sign up today!

*Looking Ahead:
-Pastor Emily will be away the week of Aug. 27th for her Resident in Ministry Academy as well as some time off. She will return to the office on Sept. 4th. Please note that Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sept. 9th.
-Rally Day, Sept. 9th - We will kick off a new year of Christian Education and Sunday School on this day! This is a vital way to keeping "growing!"
-New Adult Sunday School Class Begins on Sept. 9th - We will have a special 4 week session exploring the context and issues of Palestine/Israel and what a faithful response looks like.  Guest facilitator: Jose Arcellana, Chair of Buena Vista UMC’s Church & Society Committtee and Lay Servant.