Sunday, February 3, 2013

English Ministry News and Notes 2-3-13

*CCUMC Warmly Welcomes The Rev. Martin Odi, Youth & Child Visionary Ministry (YCVM) Ambassador - We are thrilled to have The Rev. Odi amongst us today.  He has been in the Bay Area since Wednesday evening and will be departing tomorrow.  The Rev. Odi was a local church pastor for 10 years, a Bishop of over 200 churches for 10 years, and now serves as a Bible and conference teacher/trainer in East Africa . He started many development initiatives in the eastern region of Uganda. This include community based organizations, non-profits, schools, revival meetings, and churches.  In addition to serving as the Board Chair of YCVM until the end of 2011, Rev. Odi also chaired many other boards in the past.  He writes, "My heart is now in Africa: to see revival in this continent; through Biblical training for church leaders and ministers of the gospel."  Rev. Odi and his wife of 30 years, Helen, have 4 children: 2 adopted children and 2 biological sons. Please extend a personal welcome to Rev. Odi following worship.  You are 
strongly urged to be a part of the congregational meeting following our hospitality time.  We will gather in the Annex at 1:00 p.m.

*LMUMC Food Pantry Work Day: Saturday, Feb. 9th, from 9:45 a.m.—1:00 p.m.  Please connect with Jane to participate!

*Lunar New Year Parallel Worship & Fellowship Potluck, Feb. 10th (next Sunday).  Please note, we will be worshipping at 9:30 a.m. in the Annex.  For those with last names of A-K, you are invited to bring a main or meat dish to share.  For last names L-Z, please bring a veggie dish to share.  Dessert will be provided!

*The Lenten Season Begins - A new church season begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 13th.  During this special season of heightened spiritual practice, selfexamination, and penitence, we will be exploring the spiritual practice of discernment.  We will do so in worship, through adult Sunday School, and through Sundays of Uniting Prayer (SOUP).  Our theme will be, "The Way of Discernment."  Each of the 6 Sundays in Lent, worship will be followed by SOUP: a time to share a delicious homemade bowl of soup and an intentional time of prayer with brothers and sisters.  You are encouraged and invited to participate.
Please note, soup makers are still needed!  Please consider signing up on the hospitality board for the Sundays between Feb. 17th and Mar. 24th to be a soup maker.  Many thanks to those who have already signed up.

*Congregational Vitality Workshop for YOU - We all love the church and want it to grow...but how?  What questions do we need to ask?  How might we need to transform in order for growth to happen?  Please mark your calendars now to participate in a special workshop lead by our Conference Superintendent of Congregational Vitality, Rev. Bener Agtarap, Saturday, Mar. 2nd, 9:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. right here in our neighborhood!  You are invited to sign up with Pastor Emily or any of our EMC leaders (Becky, Steve, Aeri, Ben, Charlie) today!