Sunday, May 5, 2013

Living the Resurrection - Charlie Ho

What does it mean to not just believe in resurrection…but actually to live it…to practice it?! We celebrate resurrection each Easter Sunday…but what about all the other days of our lives? These are the questions we are exploring during the Eastertide Season which carries us from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday! Members of the congregation have been invited to share their thoughts and experiences about resurrection and how they have attempted to live it. This week’s faith sharer is Charles Ho

It’s been decades since I thought about college and what to major in. If memory serves, it was a major decision during my late teen years. My heart then was interested in looking at what’s important in life, and pursuing that. I thought of majoring in philosophy; I remember having a conversation about it, and the advice was that I will have to read a lot. Seemed simple enough. But other concerns got in the way. More truthfully, I never had the courage to follow my heart. Instead of pursuing philosophy or even pursuing a liberal arts
education, I eventually majored in accounting and finance. In the following years, the focus on what’s important died as what seemed real made sense at the time and earning a living absorbed my attention.

About 4 years ago Pastor Derek asked me to join the English Ministry Council (EMC) in the role of coordinating congregational nurture and development. As we revived small groups and adult Sunday school, I found that what little I know DOES matter. As I started to read books and articles that might help, the decades old yearning to search for what’s important was resurrected.

Some may say, “That’s simple, what’s important is JESUS!” And that may suffice for many. For me, it has been more convoluted. I have needed to question and satisfy my doubts along the way. It is only now that I have come to realize the journey to build faith – to me, that’s trust in the Creator as Jesus did - does make more sense as more steps are taken. While it may seem late to come to this realization, I think this is right for me.

I am grateful to the church, especially the Sunday School class, for encouragement and support; I am especially appreciative of the feedback that gave light for positive change. Thank God for all sources of inspiration. It is wonderful to feel alive!