Sunday, March 16, 2014

Excerpt from "A Brief Guide to Self-Examination"

One important means of growth in holiness used by Christians throughout the centuries is called “self-examination.” It is simply the act of prayerfully thinking over the events of one’s day at the close of the day, often paying special attention to areas of life in need of improvement. The eighteenth-century Anglican divine William Law writes of this practice, “This examination of ourselves every evening is, therefore, to be considered as something that is as necessary as a daily repentance and confession of our sins. Daily repentance has very little significance and loses all its chief benefit, unless it be a particular confession and repentance of the sins of that day.”

A variety of techniques for this self-examination have been developed in the history of spirituality. William Law, along with Jeremy Taylor, another Anglican, encourage a general review of the day, asking for pardon for what went amiss in the day and giving thanks for what was good. Both emphasize the need for a deliber-ate review and attention to the “prevailing temper” surrounding the moments of victory or defeat.

Puritan father Jonathan Edwards frequently emphasizes the use of particular pas-sages of Scripture in self-examination. Using this technique you would select passages of Scripture that are appropriate to your personal growth in holiness. Then, in the evening, you would set aside a little time to prayerfully rehearse the day reflecting on (1) the activity of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, in light of (2) the sense of the passages of Scripture.

Many emphasize the use of self-examination as a tool for learning to recognize the presence and activity of God in their lives. David Mains, a contemporary minister, calls his approach to self-examination the “God Hunt.” At the end of the day, ask, “Where did I find God in my day today?” Then you review the day, playing back the “video-tape” of your memory and looking at the day scene by scene, noting those places where God’s presence or guidance was recognizable. Then you responds by acknowledging this presence or action of God in prayer.

Self examination is especially helpful when used in conjunction with the discipline of keeping a journal, for the journal can be used for recording your progress in areas, noting factors influencing growth in holiness, writing personal prayers, and copying special Scriptures, songs, prayers or quotes from books that can stimulate your reflection.

Self-examination is aimed at informing daily life. By noticing patterns at the end of the day, we hope to be able to recognize the same patterns next time, even earlier. During the day, try to recognize (1) when you are at a “crossroads,” hearing the invitation of God or the attack of an enemy and needing to respond, (2) when elements usually leading to a particular sin are pressing upon you, or (3) when you are in a position to gain victory in a matter. Utilize the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the companionship of a good friend or spiritual mentor to help you create creative and particular steps to “put to death the misdeeds of the body” and cultivate the Spirit where appropriate.

Self-examination need not be a depressing habit of morbid introspection. Rather it can be an honest and thankful review of the day, thanking God for victory and pressing on toward further growth in holiness. Remember, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6).