Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Farewell Note

Beloved Community -

Time has gone by ever so quickly, hasn’t it? I remember sharing the news with you that Steven and I were pregnant at the Christmas candlelight service. At that time, we couldn’t quite imagine what was ahead. Yet, the time has come to say – a temporary, God willing – goodbye. I will begin my maternity leave on Monday, May 5th, and on July 1st, the Bishop has appointed Rev. Brenda Walker to be your pastor. This means that we all – you and I – are entering into a time of transition and change. It is my great hope and prayer that we will journey through this time in much the same way we have all the transitions of the last 5 years – grounded
firmly in God’s grace, united in love and vision, and open to how the Spirit leads us forward.

As I leave, I want to first say an enormous, heartfelt “thank you!” I have been blessed again and again by being your pastor these past 5 years. Starting as your Associate Pastor and transitioning to the Lead Pastor, there has not been a moment in which your solid support and genuine care has not been extended to me and to Steven. You have forgiven mistakes I’ve made, allowed me space to experiment and try things on, laughed with me, and cried with me. Together, we have done our very best to seek after God and God’s kingdom and to embody God’s call here in Oakland Chinatown. I have learned an incredible amount along the way and give thanks for all the ways you have shaped and formed me as a pastor. I am humbled, I am proud, and I am so grateful.

Please do note that while I am on maternity leave (May 5th – June 30th), our able lay leaders with our pastoral team (Meina and Pui Fong) will work together, with you, to ensure that ministry continues to flourish and needs are met. In case of pastoral emergencies, please do contact Jane Yin, SPRB Chair (510-582-4368, and/or Meina (510.452.1020,

On July 1st, my appointment to CCUMC will end and your new pastor, Rev. Brenda Walker will begin her time here. I am excited for you and for Pastor Brenda, knowing that surely it is God who has lead her here. I am certain that you will do amazing, inspiring work together, and will be eager to hear how God continues to call you forward. I will be holding you and her in God’s light and care. Out of respect for our UMC protocols and in support of Pastor Brenda’s leadership, I will not be in contact with you during this year. However, Pastor Brenda has already welcomed me to return on occasion so that you might see the babies! I look forward to those times of reunion.

A final word: it has been a great joy for me to journey with Meina as she has discerned her call to ordained ministry. This past March, she submitted her request to our District Committee on Ordained Ministry to be accepted into the candidacy process. We are eagerly awaiting to hear word of her first interview and of next steps. Meina has demonstrated herself over the last 2 years to be a compassionate and gifted pastoral leader. CCUMC has been blessed to have her serve here. I urge you to give all of your support to her as she walks the long journey ahead. We look forward to her becoming our Associate Pastor soon!

In gratitude and with hope, Emily