Sunday, August 3, 2014

English Ministry News and Notes 8-3-2014

Get ready for another year of Street Fest! This is our fourth year opening up the doors of CCUMC for all families. Save the date for August 24th. The day will be filled with fun games and crafts for all age groups. You all are welcome to stay after worship and help out. There are sign up sheets at the back, in the Social Hall, one for volunteers and one for donating food. Please feel free to sign up. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Lu at

Former CCUMC Pastor Rev. Benjamin Fong is in declining health due to cancer of the pancreas, liver, and gall bladder. He is calm and trusts God in everything. Please pray for him and his wife Margaret. He welcomes your emails, though he may be unable to respond. His email address is: