Sunday, September 7, 2014

English Ministry News and Notes 2014-9-7

Christian Education for Children and Youth~ Classes Began today! Sunday, September 7 at 9:30 a.m. Thanks to our coordinators, Charlie Ho and Pastor Brenda. Many thanks to the dedicated teachers: Gloria, Leily, Charlie, Steve, Laura, Rich, & Michelle; and to our substitute teachers: Peggy, Becky, and Veronica

Small Group Ministry~ Small group meetings resume the week of September 7th. Small groups gather weekly or bi-monthly for a time of encouragement, reflection on scripture, and prayer. You do not need to be an expert on the Bible to join a small group. Small groups offer welcoming, non-judgmental spaces for participants to explore their faith in a meaningful way. If you are not already part of a small group and are interested in participating, please see Pastor Brenda for more details.

There will be a short planning meeting next Sunday, Sept. 14th, after service for our 5th Annual fundraising event for YCVM (Youth and Child Visionary Ministries). The event is slated for Friday, October 24th! You can reserve your table now by connecting with Becky or Ben. Tickets are $50 per person or $500 per table of 10.

Our Silent Auction for this event is now accepting your pledge of (new) goods or services. Please connect with Peggy or Donna if you are planning to donate. Items can be brought to church beginning October 5th!