Sunday, March 8, 2015

Imagine No Malaria Bridges District Challenge 2015

The churches of the Bridges District have been challenged to raise $100,000 for the Imagine No Malaria Campaign.
Let's do our part!
Church members of all ages are encouraged to participate!

Here is what you can do to help the campaign:
Imagine that jar of change that you keep in the kitchen...
Imagine all the loose change that has fallen between your couch cushions...
Imagine all those nickels and dimes rattling around in the bottom of your purse...
Imagine those extra quarters that you keep in your car...
Imagine giving up one cup of coffee from your local shop per week or forgoing that can of soda....
Are you imagining?
Now....imagine bringing that extra forgotten change to church and donating it to the Imagine No Malaria Campaign!
Now...imagine this...

In 2007, the World Health Organization estimated there were more than 1,000,000 malaria related fatalities. By 2012, the number had been reduced to 627,000. While that is still a staggering number, a nearly 50% increase in life is worth celebrating! Thanks to the efforts of The United Methodist Church and our partners, we are on our way to beating malaria for good.

The campaign will be celebrated at the Cal/Nevada Um Conference in June. While the church will continue to accept donations through May, you are encouraged to make a special effort to participate during this season of Lent.

Pastor Brenda