Sunday, August 16, 2015

English Ministry News and Notes 2015-8-16

  • We Celebrate Another Wonderful Summer of HC Club Ministry and Adventures in Faith!  Great thanks to our fantastic and faithful team of staff and volunteers!  Please be sure to greet and thank our AiF sharers from worship today.  You are encouraged to hold the new year of HC Club in prayer.
  • Street Fest Outreach Challenge: Next Sunday, we are set to open our doors and welcome children and their families in.  It's our attempt to be faithful in responding to this opportunity through Street Fest. Your presence makes an important difference to our outreach efforts and commitment.  We can't do it without you.  So...Sign up today!  We are aiming for a minimum of 24 volunteers to make this a "go!"  Thank you!
  • Street Fest Sunday Worship: Please remember our joint time of praise, prayer, and meditation next Sunday, Aug. 23rd, begins at 9:30 a.m.  
  • Adult Christian Ed Survey - Please be sure to return these today.  You can do so in person or online to Charlie or Pastor Emily.