Sunday, March 20, 2016

English Ministry News and Notes 2016-3-20

  • Join the Party - we will be throwing an Easter party for children and their families today starting at noon. About 90 people have RSVP'd! Your presence to host (help make/serve lunch, run activities, welcome folks) is so important! Thank you!
  • Journeying Through Holy Week - Please gather for worship on Maundy Thursday, Mar. 24th, at 7:30 p.m. to remember Jesus' final meal with his disciples and the commandment he gave then, and on Good Friday, Mar. 25th, at 2:00 p.m. We are hosting our Presbyterian and Episcopalian brothers and sisters - please bring refreshments to share!
  • Celebrating Easter All the Way Through - Make this your itinerary: gather to shout "Alleluia!" first thing at 7:30 a.m. in our courtyard, head to Lincoln Park for pancake breakfast afterwards, participate in intergenerational Sunday School in the Annex at 9:30 a.m., and come for full on worship at 11:00 a.m.!
  • What's Next?! Jesus' resurrection and ascension marks a decisive moment in our community's history. What happened next? You are warmly invited to join in the new Sunday School study on the book of Acts with a rotating team of great teachers, including Pastor Moon! The new study begins Sunday, Apr. 3rd. Please be prompt!
  • Please Note - Pastor Emily will be on vacation for 2 weeks beginning Wednesday, Mar. 30th. She will return to CCUMC on Sunday, Apr. 17th. During that time, please connect with Pastor Meina for any pastoral emergencies.
  • Please Pray - We received word from Silver Omakenyi that the well on the school grounds that supplies all drinking water needs has dried up. Additionally, the school van is close to its last leg. KCVS is in the midst of discerning how best to meet the needs. Let's remember our beloved friends and students as they carry on.