Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mothers Are Special by Edd Sterchi

On this day set aside to celebrate mothers, we lift up all mothers: biological ones, adoptive ones, step and foster moms, people who mother but have no children of their own, and mothers in law! May all mothers experience God's great love, sustaining strength, and deep well of joy in their great work of mothering.

When God made mothers He made a very special creature indeed. The un- conditional love God gave mothers for their children is probably the closest thing on earth to His incredible love for us. The gentle tenderness a mother expresses in handling her newborn child is so reminiscent of the tender loving care God promises to the faithful. The sincere sympathy mothers show for hurt elbows and hurt hearts is not unlike the compassion God has for us. The sacrificial unselfishness mothers demonstrate time and time again towards their children reminds us of how benevolent God has been to us. The soft special kisses and the always sweet smiles that mothers so generously give can help us to understand and appreciate the joy God has designed for families in the here and now and for Christians forevermore. God bless loving mothers for showing us many important things about God.
  • Edd Sterchi preaches for the Jackson Church of Christ in Jackson, MO.