Sunday, June 26, 2016

English Ministry News and Notes 2016-6-26

  • Great Thanks to all who pitched in for the Family Day Party! Special thanks to our planners, our preppers, our game leaders, and our hosts. Let us hold the families in God's light.
  • Congratulations to the graduates! We celebrate our grads this Sunday!
  • Save the Date for Kumi Update - Aeri recently visited our friends and partners in Kumi. She will be sharing during Mission Moment on Sunday, July 10th, followed by a more in depth update after worship. Please plan to attend!
  • Kumi Benefit Dinner Planning Kick Off - While the Dinner isn't until October, planning is getting a kickstart by our excellent lead, Michelle, on July 10th (following the report back). Come and pitch in!
  • Fill the Barrel - Great thanks to Donna for re-introducing the food barrel ministry to us last Sunday. The barrel is in the social hall today and ready to be filled! July’s specified needs are Canned Meats and Canned Fish! Let’s get to it!!
  • Being a Community Church: CCUMC will be lending its support to the Oakland Chinatown Coalition (OCC) in order to help ensure the vitality of our neighborhood. Please read the following insert and attend the upcoming meeting if you are able.