Sunday, July 10, 2016

English Ministry News and Notes 2016-7-10

  • Camping Fund Special Offering - Each year, we invite special giving to our youth and young adult camping fund. Your generosity enables our young people to take advantage of spiritual growth opportunities through camps, mission trips, and more. Great thanks for your 2nd mile giving.
  • KCVS Update - On Aeri's recent trip to Uganda, she spent a weekend with our friends in Kumi. We will gather shortly after fellowship to hear updates, news, and respond to questions. You are invited!
  • 7th Annual Kumi Benefit Dinner Planning Kick Off - Please plan to attend the kick off planning meeting at 2:00 p.m.
  • Summer Intergenerational Sunday School Series: Creative Faith Expressions! You are invited to work together across the ages on a project that invites creativity, teamwork, faith exploration. We gather - on time - at 9:30 a.m. in the Annex each Sunday through Aug. 21st.
  • Prayer Invite - Our Western Jurisdictional Conference gathers next week from the 13th - 16th in Scottsdale, AZ. Our own Burt and Pastor Jeffrey will be attending. Please hold both of them and all delegates in prayer as they gather to discern jurisdictional business and, importantly, elect a new bishop.