Sunday, September 18, 2016

English Ministry News and Notes 2016-9-18

  • Great Thanks to José Arcellana for opening the Word today! José Arcellana is a local lay servant and a member of Buena Vista UMC, where as Church and Society committee chair he helped bring into focus justice in Palestine and peace in the Holy Land as issues of faith that Christians are called to address and act upon. He first visited the Holy Land in 2007 as part of an interfaith group of peacemakers, and he returned in 2010 as part of the first pilgrimage from Buena Vista UMC. He has spoken on Palestine at various churches and conducted study sessions on the Kairos Palestine document from Palestinian Christian churches.
  • Pilgrimage Orientation - You are warmly invited to consider being a part of next years Holy Land Pilgrimage. Jacinto will share some basic information to get you started in your discernment following fellowship hour in the Annex at 12:45 p.m. If you are interested but unable to attend, please sign the Interest Form. Thanks!
  • Come On Out!- World Communion Celebration & Picnic will be held, Oct. 2nd at Crab Cove in Alameda. This is the last Sunday to sign up! We want you to come....and bring a friend! Bento lunches are $10 (please don't let cost stop you). Please see Frances.
  • Please Pray - Silver of Kumi Christian Visionary School (KCVS) invites our prayers as the region suffers through a severe drought. He noted that many families have cut down to 1 meal a day as food has not been growing well and food prices soar. Additionally, another semester at KCVS begins this Monday, Sept. 19th.
  • Are You a Disciple? Do You Want to Be? We will begin exploring these questions and more in earnest on Sunday, Sept. 25th as we start a new Adult Christian Education series. Every member of CCUMC is urged and encouraged to participate so that we might transform as a community. Grab a friend and neighbor and come on!