Sunday, March 5, 2017

English Ministry News and Notes 2017-3-5

*Welcome to Lent! Following worship we will have SOUP Lite, a time of nourishing conversation over hearty homemade soup.  Please gather in the social hall for a time of informal but intentional conversation with those at your table.  Great thanks to today's soup makers: Becky and Arlene.
*How Will You Mark Lent? You are invited to deeply consider how you can return to God and neighbor and be reconciled.  What practices might you take on or give up?
*Portraits! We will be taking portraits of you for our church directory Mar. 19th, 26th, and Apr. 2nd.  Please sign up for a time today!  Great thanks to David and Jacinto for being our photographers.
*Easter Lilies - You are invited to contribute Easter lilies to the sanctuary for our Easter Celebration on Apr. 16th.  You can do so by contributing $10 between now and Mar. 19th.
*Extend the Invite! Please sign up today to be at Russell Jeung's book talk on Mar. 26th at 1:30 p.m. and commit to inviting friends, family, and community!