Sunday, July 18, 2010

Learning to Blog

Today is a "learning" day. In Sunday School, I learned a lot about Ugandan history from our wonderful duo, Jenny and Wendy. I now know something about the civil unrest that has been going on in that country for more than 30 years. I now know how much they need the help that has become one of our missions. If you haven't had a chance to attend this summer's Intergenerational Sunday School, I urge you to come every Sunday at 9:30am for the next 6 Sundays. Not only have the classes been informative: they've been A LOT OF FUN (partly because I'm there).

Today I also learned that it's not always the better choice to be busy rather than to let things go and "listen". Today's sermon delivered by Pastor Emily struck a chord with many of the congregants. Brenda stated that the sermon (from Luke 10:27) was directed personally at her; but I felt the same way. Too often I let myself become too busy doing what I think are important things, blinding myself to what truly is important. The characters in today's scripture included sisters, Mary and Martha. Mary sat at Jesus' feet to listen and be with Him while Martha busily cleaned and served the guests. Pastor Emily asked who we identified with; and I honestly knew that I'm a Martha. And, like Martha, I'd be critical of my sister for not helping with the busy work because my priorities are skewered. Hopefully, I'll reconsider my priorities and learn to make the better choice from here onward.

And I'm also learning to BLOG. Ben asked me to contribute to this new CCUMC means of communication. I haven't had much exposure to blogging, so this will be a new experience for me. Ben envisions this as an extension of the Messenger/Bulletin which I've been editing for the last few years. My vision of this BLOG is to give you my impressions of relevant news and events of our church community. Please give me feedback on what you'd like to see in this BLOG. I'll plan to write weekly!