Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christian Stewardship – What is it?

When the word ‘Stewardship’ gets mentioned in church it is very easy to simply think…”Uh-oh, they want more money.” But is that really what stewardship is all about?

Christian Stewardship is actually a way of life in which we regard ourselves and our possessions as a trust from God to be used in God’s service. It begins with celebrating the generosity of God and experiencing deep gratitude for God’s love and faithfulness in our lives. It begins with understanding that all we are and all we have come from the loving hand of God. It begins with remembering that we are not the owners of our lives or our possessions, but the stewards or the care-takers. The true owner and source is God. We are reminded of this from the creation story in Genesis when Adam and Eve are given the land then called to “keep” and “till” it. We are reminded of it again by the Psalmist who prays, “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it” (Psalm 24). And we are reminded of it again
through the life of Jesus and how he lived. Christian stewardship then is not just about money, but about everything God has given us: our time, our abilities, our possessions, our relationships, our money, our whole lives! Christian stewardship is our grateful and obedient response to God’s redeeming love, expressed by the use of ALL resources for the fulfillment of Christ’s mission in the world.

“But can you define it in one simple sentence?” Yes! In fact, several times over, take your pick:

Christian Stewardship is…
• Christianity in practice. It is creative and joyful living as a Child of God.
• The systematic giving of body, mind and spirit to God.
• Being responsible before God for all that I have and all that I am.
• The total discipline by which the people of God mobilize their God-given resources to carry out God’s purpose.
• A challenge and a privilege that affects the whole of our lives as Christians.
• The measure of faithfulness in carrying out given responsibilities.
• Waste-watching!
• The practicing of gratitude to God.
• Our complete and joyful obedience to God, who entrusts to us the management of life and possessions, that the world might be transformed.
• Everything I do after I say ‘Yes!” to God.

This week, consider praying this personal stewardship prayer:
Almighty God, your loving hand has given me all that I possess:
Grant me grace that I may love you with all that I have,
and be found faithful and acceptable stewards of Your bounty;
through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.

(Adapted – in parts – from