Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Practice of Encountering Others: Building Community through Covenant, Commitment, and Companionship

By Leela Ma                       
This year the Lenten season is about covenant, commitment and companionship.

God made a covenant with Noah, Abraham, and Moses in the bible. It is a commitment that God promised Noah there will no more flood; Abraham will become an ancestor of a great nation; and Moses will lead the Israelites to the promised land.  Similarly God promised salvation to us who believe in Jesus. My family and I believe Jesus died for our sin, and welcome him into our hearts. We are thankful everyday for God’s blessing.

Faith is not believing that God can.  It is knowing that God will.  After our children grew up and left home, it was an empty nest for a long time it seemed. Manuel and I waited to become grandparents. We waited for God to bless us with grandchildren. God never forgot us and had his own plans.  He answered our prayers in His time.

Last December 2011 God gave us a wonderful Christmas gift.  God gave us a beautiful granddaughter, Sienna.  I have faith in God’s plan no matter what. She was 6 weeks pre-mature and weighed 4 lbs 11oz, 18 inches long at birth.  Thank God for the commitment of hard work of all the staff at the hospital to care for pre-mature babies. Sienna is growing healthy now.

All these years we are so blessed to have sisters and brothers at church who are so supportive. I have had times of disappointment and felt like giving up, but there was always that companionship at church that picked me up and helped me become strong again. Their friendship, their love for people, and their love for God are so strong.  They encourage me to not lose faith again and again.