Sunday, September 29, 2013

Renewal by Jane Yin

Spiritual renewal, we all long for it. We yearn to have those moments where we experience God's holy presence and true peace in our lives. Often times we are able to find moments of spiritual renewal through reading the Bible or praying or journaling or other life giving activities. Such moments are gifts to be cherished. But it's not easy even though we are intentional. Sometimes the day just gets away from us and we have at least ten things calling to us at one time.

I believe that spiritual renewal requires that we step away from whatever claims our attention and fully engage in activities that nurture renewal. On one of our camping trips, Burt and I stopped by a United Methodist Church and read an invitation to attend a Centering Prayer session. I learned that Centering Prayer is a way to spend time in quiet communion with God. It does not require "praying." Rather, this spiritual practice bids us to being still for at least 20 minutes soaking in God's presence. When I practice Centering Prayer, the purpose is to dwell on God's presence and listen to what God is saying to me.

I have routinely practiced other forms of praying but found Centering Prayer to be most helpful. It is especially during those times when I feel anxious and unsettled or feel dry and stagnant and somewhat disconnected from God. But the loving Spirit sees to it that deep within me I hear God call my name and I am happy to sit and listen to God. Centering prayer restores and renews my spirit and revives within a deeper relationship with God.