Sunday, February 22, 2015

Spiritual Renovation - Worship Series for Lent

The 40 days of Lent are not just a time of penitence – but a time of possibility. During this season we let go of what that which makes us hide from God and hide from each other. We are invited to open ourselves to communion with God who gives us the gift of forgiveness and gives us new birth and transformation. Lent is also a season of ritual and reality. Our rituals such as prayer, communion, ashes, meditation, and surrender move us to real transformation.

The theme for worship this Lenten season is, Spiritual Renovation. To renovate means: 1. to restore to good condition; to make new or as if new again; repair. 2. to reinvigorate; refresh; revive.

Consider what may need to be renovated in your soul. During this series we will make room for the Spirit to turn our apathy to passion, our envy to gratitude, our hunger to satisfaction, and our anger to courage.

Pastor Brenda

Bridges District Revival – February 7, 2015
* here is Jane’s reflection of the Revival which was inadvertently left out of last week’s bulletin Reflecting upon the scripture from Esther 4:14-16, Esther was a courageous servant. She was the right person in the right place at the right time. God was with her to give her strength for the day and hope for all of tomorrow. Esther obeyed, fasted and prayed. She knows who she is and whose she is and who goes with her. Are we ready to step forward in faith to be who God made us to be and calls us to be? - Jane Yin