Sunday, May 10, 2015

May is Christian Home Month

Theme for 2015: Families: Many Forms, Common Faith! Called to Justice
From United Methodist Discipleship Resources

In the book of Amos we read, "…let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream." (Amos 5:24, NRSV) Those words are both thrilling and terrifying. What is the justice we seek? How do we experience God’s justice? What do we see in the world around us that calls for God’s justice? And as families, what does it mean to be called to justice? For Christians, probably the simplest way to look at God’s justice is God’s desire for all to be treated as God would treat them. Think for a minute of what you know about the injustices in our world today. Here are some of the questions related to justice:

• Where is justice at school when children who are different in some way are bullied by others?

• Where is justice for those who have been abused and cannot face their abusers?

• Where is justice when there are those who work hard each day and do not have enough to support their family?

• Where is justice when older adults who can no longer care for them-selves suffer at the hands of caregivers? 

• Where is justice when those seeking freedom in a new land are ignored or vilified? 

• Where is justice when loved ones are randomly shot and killed in street violence?

These questions call upon all of us who claim the name Christian to examine our ways of living, participate in the study of scripture, and to practice justice in our homes, our churches, our schools, our workplaces, and our communities. We believe you can begin by supporting the families through observing Christian Home Month, using the suggestions here ( to strengthen the home as a place for living justly, and designating a day of prayer to pray that all families might be places of love, peace, justice, and hope.