Sunday, January 31, 2016

English Ministry News and Notes 2016-1-31

  • Lunar New Year Celebrations! We will celebrate the lunar new year together next Sunday, Feb. 7th. To best do so, we will worship in parallel with our Chinese Ministry brothers and sisters at 9:30 a.m. in the Annex. Following worship, we will feast potluck style. You are invited to bring a main or side dish (homemade or store bought) to share. The church will provide the dessert.
  • Lent Begins on Feb. 10th - We will mark the beginning of the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. You are encouraged to participate in a special worship service at 7:30 p.m. Our theme this year is "Community and Submission." We will reflect on questions about the kind of community our faith calls us to, and grapple with the spiritual practice of submission. Intrigued? We hope so. Worship will be followed by Sundays of Uniting Prayer (SOUP) - a time of sharing, prayer, and delicious soup. Please consider signing up to be a soup maker!
  • "A World Worth Saving: Lenten Spiritual Practices for Action" - Each year, our adult Sunday School class explores one or more spiritual disciplines during Lent. This year, we will explore disciplines that take us out into the world. You are encouraged to purchase the book ahead of time and be ready to go on Feb. 14th. If you haven't yet participated in Sunday School...join now!
  • Bring Beauty to the Sanctuary - you are invited to sign up to provide altar flowers each Sunday. You can do so by signing up on the sheet posted in the Annex hallway and giving $10 to Peggy or Helena. Thank you!
  • World in Prayer: You are invited to check out the following page’s weekly prayer from It will help us be in prayer for world events as they are happening.