Sunday, January 3, 2016

My Little Faith Story by Cloud Cheung

So I’ve got a little faith story and it goes a little like this,

It’s a pretty cool tell-tale that you don’t wanna miss,

It started with my pops, my mom, and my sis,

The dog, the cat, and dad’s funny wish

One day, my dad got sleep paralysis,

And he said to himself, man! I gotta get outta this,

He thought it was a demon and seeked help from a church,

But every single day, it got a little worse,

He found this cozy little house that belonged to God,

Maybe this’ll work, he said, heck, why not?

He turned into a Christian and wanted to spread the word,

Like a dove to his wife and his two little birds,

One day, I came along with him to CCUMC,

A lame brick building was all I had seen,

I came into worship when I was in the third grade,

I thought it was boring and that it was just a long wait

Afterwards, my dad treated me to ice cream

But in my little 3rd grade mind, that’s all that matters to me

To the church came my sister, but not my mom,

So my dad asked her, hey, yo, what’s wrong?

She said she didn’t believe unless 5000 dollars came in the mail,

But little did we know, God never fails!

So the very next day. We opened the box,

My dad and my mom, they both got a shock!

Now my sister and I, we were too young to understand,

We didn’t believe in God, or the Promised Land

Some time had gone by,

And our family got baptized,

I knew that this meant, that I’m now a follower

A disciple, a grace spewing, faith praying hollerer

Around this time, I started going to camp

But my shallow narrow faith became an obstacle ramp

I went three years straight, and hated it every time

So I figured my dislike for camp, was finally at its prime

We still didn’t believe but we didn’t hate church

I don’t regret going, it was totally worth

I met many people, they were nice and all

But not believing while I’m in the house of God, felt really, really, really, wrong

A few more months later, my sister and I,

We got an invitation from Wendy, to dine

At this point in my story, I was twelve at the time.

We both accepted and with her we talked

We ate pleasant little burgers and had a little walk,

She asked about our faith and we told her it was small,

But she told us that God was her all in all

She asked us if we were spiritually active a lot,

She then asked me if I prayed to any Gods

I said I still do pray and I’m really alert

Asking God to see if maybe I should convert

Wendy had to leave to get back to college

And I continued to pray for a little Christian knowledge.

One day it hit, my faith was real

Jubilant, enchanted, is the way that I feel!

Four long years, is what it took,

For me to know God and fall into the Christian nook

From this point, I looked for a way to strengthen my faith

And I looked to the church, where my faith awaits

As time went by, my faith grew stronger

My spirit grew wider, deeper, higher, longer

Eventually I started to look for ways to serve

I acolyte, I videotaped and listened to the word

I joined the worship team, to rejoice in this land,

And eventually I even joined the worship team band

I looked for more ways to strengthen my faith

And one day, on a paper is where I saw my fate

Camp had returned, and I was willing to forgive,

Because God was beside me and with Him is where I live

Throughout the camp, my faith grew stronger than I could ever imagine

I never even thought that this could happen!

Now my little faith story is coming to an end,

I hope I didn’t bore you to death, my friends

Lord, here I am, and there you are before me

Let’s thank the audience for listening, to our little faith story.