Sunday, October 30, 2011

Opportunities to Serve CCUMC

“The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, The church is not a meeting place, the church is a people!”
The Committee on Nominations & Lay Leadership (CNLD) has begun meeting to discern leadership for the congregation for the coming year, beginning January 2012. You are invited to prayerfully consider how you might be called to serve in and through this congregation. Consider:
* How might the mission and ministry of CCUMC best be served by the gifts I have? (Remember: we all have gifts!)
* Where can I joyfully share my presence and service at CCUMC?

Opportunities in the wider church include:
* The Board of Administration & Trustees (BOAT) is for you if:
You like to work with a group of people who prayerfully consider the mission of the congregation and make policy decisions about building use and needs, our financial health, and personnel needs.

* The Staff-Parish Relations Board (SPRB) is for you if:
You are able to see things from another’s point of view and see conflict as an opportunity, you can keep information confidential, and you like to set policy.

* The Finance Committee is for you if:
You are interested in the “nuts and bolts” of what it takes to support the presence of CCUMC here in the larger community, and if you have ideas about our fiscal decisions as a congregation.

* The Committee on Nominations & Lay Leadership (CNLD) is for you if:
You enjoy getting to know people, helping others identify their gifts and graces, and connecting them to opportunities to grow and serve.

* Membership & Membership Care Team is for you if:
You appreciate connecting with people, caring for where they are at, and working together as a team to respond to possible needs.

* Lay Delegate to Annual Conference is for you if:
You want to get to know the larger UMC world and are willing to attend Annual Conference (4 days June). You can prayerfully consider how to vote on resolutions that affect our local congregation and United Methodists.

* Website / Tech Committee is for you if:
You have ideas about how to best utilize technology and social media to live out our mission and be in ministry.

English Ministry (EMC) areas to serve include:

* Invitation & Witness Ministry Area is for you if:
You are concerned about how we extend welcome and hospitality to others, and you are passionate about how to connect others to God and to community.
* Worship Ministry Area is for you if:
You love worship and want to work together to create, design and participate in vibrant, meaningful worship.
* Missions Ministry Area is for you if:
You care about being God’s hands and feet in the world and want to enable CCUMC to be a transformative presence beyond our walls.
* Congregation Nurture & Development Ministry Area is for you if:
You want to plan opportunities for meaningful fellowship and intentional spiritual growth in our congregation.
* Children’s Sunday School is for you if:
You are interested in the Christian Education of our children and young people, if you like to plan various programs with other good people, and if you like to support the Sunday School program.
We believe that each person is gifted by God and that each person is a piece of the beautiful puzzle that enables us to fulfill the mission and ministry of the church. You cannot be too young or too old to serve. You cannot outgrow serving. In fact serving is one of the “treasures” that enables us to live the transformed life! You are invited to connect with any CNLD member to share how God is calling you in the coming year. Current CNLD members include: Peggy, Ed, Leily, Lucy, Leo, Derek, and Pastor Emily.