Sunday, May 13, 2012

2012 Mission Exchange Prayer Calendar - MAY 2012

“Accept the prayers of Your people, and in Your mercy,
look with compassion on all who turn to You for help.
Grant that we may find You and be found by You,
and that we may bear witness to Your glory in the world.”
From The Prayers of the People

Week of
May 6 – 12            Pray for spiritual guidance in all aspects of the Mission Exchange visa application process, especially as Silver and Grace seek a second interview with the U.S. Embassy in Kampala. Pray that it would bring positive results.

May 13 – 19            Praise and thanksgiving that the itineration calendar is filling up.  (We currently have 6 presentations scheduled.) Pray for creativity and thoroughness that the presentation package will include everything that will tell the story of mission and ministry of YCVM.

May 20 – 26            Pray for the orphans: Raymond, Grace, Stellah, Sarah, Jessica John and Sheillah, as they return from school holidays to commence school again. They send their love to us.

May 27 – 6/2            Pray for our planning with Shan McSpadden and Rev. Katie Choy-Wong who will lead cross-cultural training sessions for us as we welcome, host, and learn about each other.