Sunday, May 6, 2012

Launching a New Ministry Initiative: Shepherding

In the Gospel according to John, Jesus calls himself the good shepherd twice saying, “I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (vs. 11) and later, “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me” (vs. 14).  Jesus was using a creative image to describe his relationship with his disciples—the depth of his love and the deep knowing between the two.  The image of the shepherd would have been an extremely familiar one to those around Jesus and the first listeners of John’s gospel.  They would have picked up on the unique relationship Jesus was pointing to between a shepherd and his sheep.   A shepherd provided for all the sheep’s needs, protected them from predators and the elements, and actively kept the flock together.  Some have said this relationship was much like the one between parent and child.  It was certainly a round the clock job.  Interestingly, near the very end of John, Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him.  Each time Peter answers, “Yes” Jesus responds by commissioning him to take care of and feed his sheep.
Today, in both the Chinese and English ministries, we are seeking to take up that commission: to take care of and feed Jesus’ sheep.  Today, we are launching a new ministry initiative that seeks to strengthen relationships amongst the worshipping congregation, to care for one another actively (in action and in truth), as well as to build meaningful connections that encourage growth and active discipleship in each other.  This ministry initiative comes from the Membership Care Team of the church.
We give thanks for Brenda Wong, Donna Chan Chu, Ed Lang, and Jane Yin who will be commissioned as shepherds today.  In the coming weeks and months, they will be seeking to connect with you, intentionally getting to know you (and sharing of themselves), and being a resource and support.  They have also committed to be in prayer with and for you.  You should feel free to share prayer concerns and joys with them!  They will, of course, hold everything in confidence.  Please do not be surprised if you receive a phone call or email from one of them. 
Our prayer is that through this new ministry initiative, God will lovingly and gently “bind us together” (to borrow the words of a well known hymn.)  Our prayer is that every person – young, old, new, or not - will know and feel their importance and belovedness in this worshipping community.  Our prayer is that together we’ll grow and strengthen as faithful disciples of Jesus the Risen Christ.