Saturday, May 12, 2012

Youth and Child Visionary Ministry (YCVM) Update

We received an update and pictures from Silver Omakenyi on May 7th, 2012!  He writes:  Thank you for your solemn prayer that keeps us during this busy schedule.   Our God is rich in grace and mercy, we live by it.
Education - Grace and I did not have good Easter because Stella had an abscess on her forehead and Grace Among also was suffering from malaria.  Both were attended to at FredaCa Hospital in Ngora.
Here, Stella is being happy at home after the surgical operation on her face.
School Construction - The school building has got floors!  All 7 classrooms and 5 offices, and eaves also have been slabbed.  What is a slab? It is getting together a hard floor of a house by putting hard core into the house as shown below, followed by blending and mortar which is the mixer of sand cement and aggregate to form a slab. The whole house has achieved slab except the veranda.