Sunday, August 7, 2011

What Can God's Love Do?


By Arlene Lang

"This is my comfort in my distress, that your promise gives me life." Psalm 119:50

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying hdeavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

My friend of 38 years lost her son about 6 years ago. He was found at his home by friends when he did not show up for an outing. His cause of death was never told to use and we never asked but hints of "I knew he was in trouble and I didn't know how to help him" lead one to believe he died of accidental drug overdose. He was in the entertainment world managing rock groups. He was a care free spirit, full of life and had a great personality to meet people and you would like him immediately.

After 6 years my friend is still struggling with health issues, taking medication for depression, and going to therapy. One cannot know how she can endure something as tragic as losing a child, how she can cope with everyday living. Once an organized person, keeping a clean house, full of life and laughter, she is now losing her memory, becoming negative about a lot of things and her home is full of clutter.

I have talked to her about returning to her Catholic faith to find the comfort of knowing that God will help, but she responds only by shrugging her shoulders. I pray every day and every moment that she will find comfort in knowing that I pray and care for her and that God is with her without her knowing. I pray that she can once again find a meaning to her life, find the comfort that God can bring to your life knowing that He is always there for you in your darkest moments.