Sunday, July 29, 2012

Called to Be Witnesses – A Pentecost Practice

On Pentecost, Rev. Renae Extrum-Fernandez, reminded us of our call to be witnesses.  “You will be my witnesses,” said Jesus to his disciples before ascending into the heavens.  Being a witness is a key practice that supports our mission: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  Over the next 6 weeks, we will practice “witnessing” by simply sharing where we have recently seen or experienced God in our lives and how that has made a difference for us. 

We’ve just ended our fourth week of Adventures in Faith on Promise Island. This year, we are utilizing a curriculum that highlights the promises of God:

  • I am with you.
  • I care about you.
  • I give you what you need.

Promise Island is a truly magical place. It is a place in which I experience God and God’s generous grace. Here are some moments I’ve witnessed that I’d like to lift up and give thanks for:

  • We have an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G team! Really. I am constantly grateful to God for the loving, patient, funny, open-hearted, conscientious crew that was brought together. The team laughs together, works hard together, supports each other, and challenges each other. At the end of each day we spend some time sharing what worked well and what didn’t, and then close with an appreciation circle. You’d be sweetly surprised by how much appreciation and goodness there is that goes around from our 6th grade Junior Tutors to our head honcho, Donna!
  • Just a few days ago, MaryKim decided to play the Promise Island praise song CD during snack time. All the children were sitting at their tables, happily eating snack. As soon as the music came on though, everyone joined together and joyfully belted out, “His promise is forever!  It will never end.”
  • Today, I got to be a part of the 2nd and 3rd grade growth group (or Lifeguard Lagoon time as we like to call it on Promise Island.) Michelle introduced our craft – making crosses – and asked the children what they associated with the cross. This turned into a deep, insightful conversation about faith, Jesus and God. The children were asking really great questions: “Why did Jesus die on a cross?” “Did it hurt Jesus to be hung on a cross….after all, he is God, right?” and “Are God and Jesus the same?” The children were full of genuine curiosity and were absolutely attentive as we had “holy conversation.”
  • Our tutors eat at all different times. Some are helping the kids get their food and so must eat later. Others are part of the AiF chapel (Seaside Celebration) and so must eat earlier. I have seen time and again how each of them brings their bowl to the table and then bows in prayer.  This has come about naturally and as we encourage the children to pray before eating. This is a witness of God in our lives…and I am grateful to see the faithfulness of our tutors.

Not everyone who is a part of AiF on Promise Island likes kids or feels confident around them…but everyone still has something to contribute. I lift up the faithfulness of Theresa S. who comes each Tuesday and Thursday to prepare the children’s snack. She cuts apples, divides up the chips, scoops raisins and more. I am thankful for all the many gifts of our team and how they are used.

There are definitely many, many more moments that I could share with you. These are just the first that come to mind. Most of all, I am thankful for how I experience God’s purpose through this vital ministry.  We are scattering seeds extravagantly and I am eagerly waiting to see just how God will bring good fruit to bear!