Sunday, July 29, 2012

English Ministry News and Notes for 7-29-12

*We Welcome Rev. Jay and Rev. Grace Choi!  We give thanks for the presence of the Rev's Choi, GBGM Missionaries to the Philippines, in our worship today. For those who would like to learn more and talk more with them, we will be heading out together to a nearby restaurant for lunch. Please let Pastor Emily know if you'd like to come.

*Adventures in Faith on Promise Island - It's hard to believe that we're heading into our final week! This last week, we learned the story of Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus and how God promises to save us. In the upcoming week, we'll learn about how God promises to answer us. Please continue to hold this ministry, our staff, and each and every child up in prayer.

*Wednesday Community (Potluck) Dinner  - We shared a feast this past week both in terms of the wonderful meal and the huge turn out. Together we shared faith, ate, practiced a piece of compassionate listening, and prayed together. There are just two more WCD's. Won't you come and participate?

*GBGM Mission Liaison to the Holy Land (Palestine/Israel), Janet Lahr Lewis, to visit CCUMC! Please come to learn about how God is working in Palestine/Israel during our final WCD on Aug. 8th. Janet has an amazing story to tell.

*Mission Exchange Weekly Update - Aeri, Becky, & Wendy took part in worship at El Cerrito and Good Shepherd UMCs last Sunday. Today, Aeri heads to our sister circuit church, Lake Merritt UMC by herself . Let us hold her and our YCVM friends in prayer.